MOB and MOB Circuit Cup

Safety at sea is paramount, and an incident can happen very quickly, with dramatic consequences. That's why it's important to be equipped to limit the risks when an occupant goes overboard. Electronic devices are available to detect and report such accidents. Some can be coupled to the boat's engine circuit breaker, while others can be connected directly to the marine emergency services.

Here, in this section, is our selection of Man-at-sea safety devices and associated accessories.

MOB and MOB Circuit Cup

€209.90 €234.00 -10%
Available within 15 days from our supplier
  • -€24.10
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Coupe circuit et mob


What does MOB stand for? The acronym you'll be reading stands for Man Over Board. This term covers the various safety systems and accessories used to rescue a passenger who has fallen overboard, including the circuit breaker .

It acts directly on the engine'signition, cutting it off instantly, as if the key had been removed or a switch had just been turned on. This device is particularly well-suited to the boat's pilot: if the only person potentially able to steer the vessel falls overboard, then the engines become inoperative and the man overboard is more easily spotted, as he's not so far away.

In this case, a transponder is installed on the cockpit, powered by the boat's batteries. Crew members are fitted witha bracelet or pendant which triggers an alarm if the distance between transmitter and receiver exceeds a certain limit.

If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of our experts. He or she can also tell you about prices, stock availability and delivery options.

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