Boat deck hatch
Deck hatches or inspection hatches are watertight doors located on the decks of boats, allowing access to different parts of the boat. They can be made from a variety of materials, including PVC, aluminum, steel or stainless steel. Each of these materials has advantages and disadvantages in terms of durability, corrosion resistance and weight.
Find our stock of deck hatches for boats at the best prices on Comptoir Nautique, whether it's a hatch Plastimoa hatch Freeman or a hatch Nuova Rade you're bound to find the one you need.

- -€326.77
- -€209.81
- -€536.95
- -€305.26
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DECK HATCH AND EQUIPMENT HATCHDeck hatches or inspection hatches are the most common type of trapdoorwatertight doorsLocated on theboat decks, which enableaccessTo the variousparts of the boat. They canBe manufacturedAtvarious materials, as thePVC, aluminum, steelOrstainless steel. Each of these materials hasbenefitsAnddisadvantagesIn terms ofdurability, ofresistanceTo thecorrosionAndweight. The deck hatches in PVC are generally lighter and less expensive than other options, but they can be less resistant à corrosion and wear and tear. Deck hatches in aluminum are more sustainable and resistant to the corrosion that the PVC, but they can be more heavy and more dear. Deck hatches in steel are very robust and resistant to the corrosion, but they can be very heavy and costly. Deck hatches in stainless steel are also very resistant to the corrosion, but they can be costly à make no matter what the material An equipet hatch, also known as a cabin hatch or storage hatch, is a door located at in the cabin a boat, which provides access to the space from storage under the seats or the bunks or a trunk from storage. It can be manufactured at different materials, as the wood, the PVC or aluminum, and is generally smaller and less robust a hatch bridge. The main difference between a inspection hatch and a equipment hatch is the size and the robustness of the door, and its location on the boat. |
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HATCH AND PORTHOLEVisit deck hatches and portholes are both opening devices for boat hulls, but they fill functions various. Deck hatches are doors located on the boat decks with a façade removable which provide access at various parts from boat. They can be manufactured at various materials, such as PVC, , aluminum, , steel or stainless steel, and are generally larger and more robust that portholes. The portholes, on the other hand, are circular openings or rectangular located in the boat hulls, which enable light and the air from entering the passenger compartment. They can be fixed or sashes, and can be manufactured at different materials, as the glass, the plastic or steel stainless steel. Portholes are generally smaller and less robust that deck hatches, and do not allow access physics parts of the boat. Visit main difference between a boat hatch and a porthole is therefore their size, their robustness and their function. Deck hatches are doors that allow you to physical access to parts of the boat, while the portholes are openings which allow the traffic from the air and light. Don't hesitate to contact our advisors for choose the product, the deck hatch or the porthole that best suits your boat, at best price or simply get to know stock status or the promotions in progress. |
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DECK HATCH ON MOTORHOME ?It is possible install from hatches bridge over camping-buses or van but it all depends on the size and configuration of the passenger compartment. Deck hatches are generally designed to be installed on the bridges from boats, which have a structure and a certain height in relation to at soil. Visit motor homes and Mobile homes generally have a structure more slight and a limited height, which can make difficult installation deck hatches. If you wish to set up a hatch from bridge on your motorhome or your van or converted van, it is important to check if the structure from the interior is sufficiently solid for supporter the weight and forces exercised by the hatch. You will also need to take into account the available height for the opening and thespace required for the installation of hinges and closures. On the other handportholes and deck hatchesAre recommended for creating openings on motorhome or converted van and act as a window If you have doubts on the feasibility of the installation, it is recommended to visit a professional to evaluate the possibilities and advisor on the best options. |